1960年、京都市生まれ。高校卒業後に便利堂に入社し、それから現在にいたるまでコロタイププリンターとして従事。これまで正倉院文書や『蒙古襲来絵詞』、また伊藤若冲の『動植綵絵』といった貴重な文化財のコロタイプ複製を制作する。森村泰昌の『フェルメール研究 2004』では十数版を使った多色刷コロタイプ作品を完成させる。近年は森山大道や石内都など6作家の作品を収めた『プロヴォーク・ボックス』のプリントを手がけるほか、便利堂主催の写真コンペティションHARIBAN AWARD最優秀賞受賞者とのコラボレーション作品を多数生み出している。工房での仕事と並行しながら大学等での特別講演を行うほか、代官山フォトフェア、KYOTOGRAPHIE、パリ日本文化会館や北京の三影堂において出張ワークショップを開催し、コロタイプ普及のための活動を継続的に行なう。
Osamu Yamamoto
Born in 1960, Kyoto, Osamu Yamamoto began working at Benrido after graduating from highschool and now serves as the Master Printer at Benrido Collotype Atelier. Up until now, Yamamoto has worked on the reproduction of numerous national treasures such as the Shosoin Treasures of the Imperial Household, Illustrated Account of the Mongol Invasion, Japanese Bird-and-Flower Paintings by Ito Jakuchu, as well as accomplishing a multi-coluor collotype work for Yasumasa Morimura’s “Vermeer Study 2004”. Recently, Yamamoto has taken part in the production of collotype prints for the Provoke Box, which features works by six internationally celebrated Japanese photographers including Daido Moriyama and Ishiuchi Miyako. He has also produced many collaborative works with the winners of the HARIBAN AWARD International Photography Competition presented by Benrido. While Yamamoto works for the atelier, he has also been helping to promote and develop the collotype printing technique by holding lectures at universities and workshops for photo fairs and festivals such as Daikanayama Photo Fair, Kyotographie and Three Shadows Photography Art Centre. .
I first encountered Collotype when I was 18 years old. My teacher from highschool somehow asked me if I wanted to “become a printing craftsperson at Benrido” during my final year. That advice led me to Benrido and since then I have been practicing and learning by trial-and-error. Now approximately 40 years have passed – and I have spent quite some time to achieve the skill and ability to make a print that I am happy with.
Serving as an instructor for the Collotype Academy, I would like to fully implement my knowledge, skills and experience acquired so far, whilst also refreshing my mind in order to teach the collotype printing technique in an approachable and understandable manner. I look forward to enjoying the printing process together with everyone and I hope you do too!