休廊:12:00~13:00, 日曜日、祝日
場所:京都市中京区新町竹屋町下ル弁財天町302 便利堂コロタイプギャラリー
*駐車場あり(ギャラリー横、京都 便利堂本店前)
We inform you about starting the annual event “12th Exhibition of the Fun of Hand-printed Collotype Prints” on June 17th (Monday) at BENRIDO Collotype Gallery.
Once a year, BENRIDO conducts a workshop for employees to deepen our understanding of collotype, a classical photo printing technique that has been inherited and developed by BENRIDO and is now rare in the world.
We make hand-printed collotypes using photos taken by employees ourselves.
From heartwarming family portraits and photos capturing a breathtaking moment of beautiful nature to mental landscapes, this year’s exhibition is again a collection of outstanding works that make the most of the characteristics of the collotype.
The winning works will be selected by the votes of our gallery visitors. Please come and choose your favorite and give us your comments. We look forward to seeing you at the gallery!
The12th Exhibition of the Fun of Hand-printed Collotype Prints
June 17. Mon.2024 – July 13. Sat.2024
BENRIDO Collotype Gallery
10:00 – 12:00/ 13:00 – 17:00
*Closed on Sundays, Public holidays
Adress:302 Benzaitencho, Shinmachi-Takeyamachi-sagaru
Nakagyo, Kyoto 604-0093
*6-minute walk from Exit No.6 of Subway MARUTAMACHI station.
*Parking available (next to the gallery and in front of the BENRIDO shop)
Admission: Free
Phone: 075-231-4351
web: www.benrido.co.jp