The Hariban Award, presented by Benrido Atelier is pleased to announce the winners of the 2022 Hariban Award International Collotype Photography Competition!
This year, we are honoured to be able to welcome Yasutaka Kojima as the 9th Grand Prize Winner of the Hariban Award for his submission Naka-Ima | Berlin
We would like to express gratitude for the efforts of this year’s Jurors,
Lekgetho Makola, Sayaka Takahashi, Sandra Phillips and Micheal Mack for their time and dedicated efforts to help select this year’s Finalists.
This year’s Award-winning work will have a selection of their work printed in collotype and published within the annual Hariban Award Catalogue.
It is also with great pleasure that we have the opportunity to commend the 14 finalists whose work have been awarded with Jurors Choice Award, Honourable Mentions and Benrido Award.
The Juror’s Choice Award winners have been selected specially by each Juror for their entries:
Ross McDonnell, for his submission JOYRIDER selected by Lekgetho Makola,
Luvuyo Equiano Nyawose, for his submission eBhish’ selected by Sayaka Takahashi,
John Divola, for his submission Daybreak selected by Sandra S. Phillips,
Dienie Brouwer, for her submission THE DAY THAT LIFE SEEMED ENDLESS, selected by Michael Mack.
Yana Kononova submission Radiations of War has been awarded the Benrido Award to commend a body of work selected by CEO/Owner of Benrido Takumi Suzuki.
Honourable Mentions have been awarded to
Marcus DeSieno,
Monika Orpik,
Alfonso de Gregorio,
Gert Motmans,
Felipe Russo,
Isabel Miquel Arques,
Eva Gjaltema,
Hady Barry
each of their exceptional submissions.
This year’s 14 finalists will have a selection of their work printed in collotype and published within the annual Hariban Award Catalogue which will be released in the new year.
HARIBAN AWARD 2022 Winners
便利堂主催の国際コロタイプ写真コンペティション ハリバンアワード2022の結果を発表いたします。
今年の第9回ハリバンアワード最優秀賞は、小島康敬さんの「Naka-Ima | Berlin」が選ばれました。
今回審査員を務めていただいた、Lekgetho Makolaさん、高橋 朗さん、Sandra S. Phillipsさん、Michael Mackさんには、心より感謝申し上げます。
Lekgetho MakolaさんはRoss McDonnellさんの「 JOYRIDER」を、 高橋朗さんはLuvuyo Equiano Nyawoseさんの「eBhish’」を、Sandra S. Phillips氏はJohn Divolaさんの「Daybreak」を、そしてMichael Mackさんは、Dienie Brouwer「THE DAY THAT LIFE SEEMED ENDLESS」を選出されました。
便利堂賞は便利堂の代表鈴木巧により、Yana Kononovaさんの「Radiations of War」が選出されました。
Marcus DeSienoさん、
Monika Orpikさん、
Alfonso de Gregorioさん、
Gert Motmansさん、
Felipe Russoさん、
Isabel Miquel Arquesさん、
Eva Gjaltemaさん、
Hady Barryさん