Interview | Tristan Lund
Can you explain the work that you do?
Tristan Lund: I’m an art consultant specialising in photographic art. I give impartial advice to art collectors using my knowledge and professional relationships to help them navigate the art market. I am their eyes and ears within the medium, scouting for artwork and negotiating purchases on their behalf. Usually I am an intermediary between the collector and the gallery but I also work with a number of artists directly, for example the 2015 Magnum nominee Max Pinckers. Primarily I am the collection curator of The Incite Project, a private collection of politically and socially motivated photographic art, documentary photography and photojournalism. Our focus is on contemporary image makers, supporting them through the acquisition of artworks, the financing of artistic projects and books and the sponsorship of several awards. It is an unusual and very rewarding collection to be a part of.
What would you say initially drew you to photography?
Tristan Lund: I am still drawn to the accessibility of the medium. It helps to know who and what has preceded an artist’s practice but in photography it is generally not essential. Most photographs are made up of layers, they can be appreciated in a very immediate way even if the intent of the maker is not understood, but the more you know about the artist and the medium the more you can dig to new depths. I also like that the aesthetic possibilities of the medium move in step with advances in technology, photography connects art and science.
How is judging a competition like this different from choosing work for your clients?
Tristan Lund: Judging a competition presents a very positive challenge to really think about the direction of the medium right now, I take it very seriously! When judging, I think about what is appropriate for the award, the artists and the medium as a whole but when working with clients they are my number one concern.
What do you think makes a great photo stand out?
What sort of work are you hoping to see from this year’s HARIBAN AWARD submissions?
Tristan Lund:
My concern is usually with the final photographic object, the print, so I am really hoping to see work that will benefit from the collotype process. It is such an incredible opportunity for the right kind of artist and completely inappropriate for others, I like that the award has this clear focus and remit and I can see that past winners have really progressed from the collaboration. I think my question to myself whilst judging will be, “How will winning this award further the artist’s practice?”.
私は、写真芸術を専門にしたコンサルタントです。自分の知識を使って公平なアドバイスをし、専門家としての人脈を使って、クライアントがアート市場で舵取りをしていくのをお手伝いします。写真という芸術の領域において、私はクライアントの目となり、耳となり、アート作品を探し出し、彼らの代わりに購入時の交渉をします。普段私は、収集家とギャラリーの仲介人ですが、数多くのアーティストと直接仕事もします。2015年にMagnum Photosのメンバーに任命されたMax Pinckers.がその例です。
私は主に、 政治的、社会的に動機付けられた写真芸術、ドキュメンタリー写真やフォトジャーナリズムのプライベートコレクションであるThe Incite Projectのキュレーターをしています。私たちが焦点を当てているのはコンテンポラリーの画像作家で、作品の購入やアートプロジェクトや本の出版のための融資、いくつかの賞のスポンサーシップなどを通じてサポートしています。The Incite Projectは並外れたコレクションで、その一員として働くことはとてもやりがいがあります。
今年のHARIBAN AWARDで、どんな作品を期待していますか?

Tristan Lund|Owner of Tristan Lund ltd, art consultant and dealer to collectors of photography, and curator
Based in London, Tristan is an art consultant, dealer, collection curator of The Incite Project. He represents a select group of emerging photographic artists including the 2015 Magnum nominee Max Pinckers. He is a trusted advisor to private collectors of photography internationally, sourcing works from artists, galleries and auction houses and navigating the art market on their behalf. With experience in the field of vintage photography he is a member of the Frieze Masters vetting committee and was the Director of Michael Hoppen Contemporary from 2010-2014. For the 2017 edition of Photo London Tristan curated the Discovery section dedicated to young galleries.