The winners of the HARIBAN AWARD 2024

Thank you for all the applications! 
We are pleased to announce the winners of the International Collotype Competition HARIBAN AWARD 2024.


国際コロタイプ写真コンペティション HARIBAN AWARD 2024 の受賞者を紹介いたします!


In 1667 a 12-year-old girl, Gertrud Svensdotter, was accused of walking on water in Älvdalen, Sweden. This event marked the beginning of the Swedish witch-hunts, a period of mass hysteria and horror in Älvdalen and its neighbouring regions. This series uses photography to reconfigure the history and myth of these events, igniting a contemporary dialogue around Gertrud whilst allowing for a lost world to be resurrected on new terms, where the outcome of the events is not yet settled.

Most of the photographs in Gertrud were created through interventions in the forest. Utilising the landscape, a cast of characters and seemingly talismanic objects, Daniels’ has drawn upon a surrealist desire to ‘re-enchant the world’, aiming to re-envisio the forest as a place filled with history and cultural value such as stories, myth and magic. Interspersed with Daniel’s photographs are those from the archive of the local photographer Tenn Lars Persson (1878-1938). As the book Gertrud unfolds the intertwined sets of photographs disorientate the viewer by unsettling ideas around place and linear time.


Artist BIO

Maja Daniels (b. 1985) is a Swedish photography-based artist and filmmaker whose work centres on history, memory, and how these notions affect our view of the present. Her work includes sociological methodology, sound, moving image and archive materials, aiming to further explore each medium’s narrative and performative functions.

Currently based between Malmö and Gothenburg, her work has been exhibited and published worldwide, she is the recipient of numerous awards and fellowships and is a senior lecturer in film and photography at the unit for Film, Photography and Literary Composition at Gothenburg University (HDK-Valand).

Her first book ‘Elf Dalia’ (MACK, 2019) received international acclaim. It was nominated for the Aperture-Paris Photo First book Award 2019 and won the Swedish Photo Book of the Year Award 2020.  Elf Dalia has since expanded into an internationally touring exhibition.

Daniels’ made her first short film My other Half in 2015. Her most recent short film Her Little Reds will premiere in 2025.


彼女の初の写真集である『Elf Dalia』(MACK、2019年)は国際的に高い評価を受けた。Aperture-Paris Photo First book Award 2019にノミネートされ、Swedish Photo Book of the Year Award 2020も受賞している。 『Elf Dalia』はその後、国際的な巡回展で発表されている。

ダニエルズは2015年に初の短編映画『My other half』を制作。最新短編映画『Her Little Reds』は2025年にプレミア上映される。


selected by Jessica Baxter


selected by Markus Schaden

Zero Hour


selected by Takumi Suzuki

A Myth in the Making


Parliament of Owls

Half a Chisel to the Earth

Down by the Hudson

Undulation of a Rupture

We are happy to announce 15 HARIBAN AWARD 2024 winners. Congratulations to all the winners!
Unfortunately, we received a lot of strong entries from those who did not win this year’s award. We would like to thank everyone who submitted entries.
The winning entries will be published in the official HARIBAN AWARD catalogue in spring 2025.
We look forward to your continued support of the HARIBAN AWARD International Collotype Competition!
ここに15名のHARIBAN AWARD 2024の受賞者をご紹介いたしました。受賞者の皆様、心よりおめでとうございます!
さて、受賞作品は2025年春に出版予定のHARIBAN AWARD公式カタログに掲載されます。
これからも国際コロタイプ写真コンペティションHARIBAN AWARDをよろしくお願いいたします。