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Interview with Thyago Nogueira

Each week, HARIBAN AWARD will be sharing an interview with one of this year’s jurors. This week; we spoke with Brazil-based photographer, curator, and editor of ZUM magazine, Thyago Nogueira.
Thyago Nogueira is a photographer, curator, and the editor of ZUM Magazine. He currently serves as Head of the Contemporary Photography Department at Instituto Moreira Salles in Brazil. We had the chance to speak with him about his work and what it means to him to judge a contest like the HARIBAN AWARD.
ブラジル在住のチアゴ・ノゲイラは、 Instituto Moreira SallesContemporary Photography Departmentの主任であり、ブラジルの写真誌 ZUM magazineの編集者さらに、オランダのThe Photobook Museumとニューヨークの出版社Errata Editionsのアドバイザーを務める。2014年にはSão Paulo photographyを特集したAperture magazineでゲストとして編集を担当し、また、ブラジルW杯中には Magnum agency と共にthe Offside project を監修した。ノゲイラは過去、Prix PictectDeutsche Börseなど、数々の賞にノミネートされ、また審査員を勤めた経歴もある。現在はContemporary Brazilian Photography exhibitionや写真家Claudia Andujarの回顧展を手がけている。

Can you explain the work that you do?

Thyago Nogueira: I am in charge of the Contemporary Photography Department at Instituto Moreira Salles (IMS), a prestigious non-profit Brazilian institution dedicated to the arts. We run exhibitions, shows, movies sessions, courses, workshops, and preserve the largest private collection of photographs and photographic objects in the country, with about 10 million items.

My task it to oversee our contemporary photography activities, which includes curating exhibitions, commissioning projects, coordinating our photography grant, expanding our collection and editing our photography magazine ZUM.

What would you say initially drew you to photography?

Thyago: It was probably a combination of family affection, personal fascination, opportunity and chance. My father was a dedicated amateur photographer, so I grew up playing with different cameras and learning to use photographs to tell the history of our family and of my own upbringing. As an adult, I worked as photographer for a brief period of time, but then I took a job as a literature editor, and started to explore the pleasure of the books — which eventually led to photography books. I became amazed by all the great work that has been done in the history of photography, which I could access through books. Ten years after, IMS invited me to create a photography magazine. ZUM was born. And with all the ideas we had editing the magazine, they eventually invited me to create a department dedicated to the field.

How do you go about choosing photos and photographers to feature in your magazine?

Thyago: ZUM features a combination of contemporary and historical photographers, along with interviews and essays. We mix international big-names with young talents, from all parts of the world. We favor coherent bodies of work rather than mix and matches from different moments of a career, and photographers that have an interesting relation with the printed page. I am personally interested by works that can present a subject deeply and at the same time open new ground for the photographic language, through an intelligent consideration of its material aspects. The idea of combining traditional and contemporary techniques is absolutely exciting.


ZUM Revista Fotografia Cover © ZUM

What do you think makes a great photo stand out?

Thyago: Photos are always great, and I am interested in images which are part of a long, dedicated and consistent search for new ways to represent a subject. You can more easily grasp that when looking at an essay or career. Every single photo has to be connected to that.

What sort of work are you hoping to see from this year’s HARIBAN AWARD submissions?

Thyago: The more surprising the better.


私は、ブラジルの一流の非営利団体で、芸術を専門に扱っている Instituto Moreira Salles (IMS)の、コンテンポラリーフォトグラフィー部の責任者をしています。展覧会やショー、映画の上映や、講座、ワークショップなどを企画したり、国内で最大のプライベートコレクションである写真や写真に関する展示物、およそ一千万点を保存・管理したりしています。
私の仕事は、コンテンポラリーフォトグラフィー部の活動を監督することです。具体的には、展覧会の監修、プロジェクトの委託、私たちの写真助成金のコーディネイト、コレクションの拡大、そしてZUM (revistazum.com.br) という我々の写真雑誌の編集、といった仕事をしています。







今年のHARIBAN AWARDで、どんな作品を期待していますか?


Thyago Noguiera, Hariban Award 2017 Juror

Thyago Nogueira|Photographer, curator, and editor of ZUM magazine

Head of the Contemporary Photography Department at Instituto Moreira Salles in Brazil and editor of ZUM magazine, Thyago has curated exhibitions and edited the catalogues of William Eggleston (The American Color, 2015), Claudia Andujar (In the place of other, 2015) and Mauro Restiffe (São Paulo, Beyond Reach, 2014). He has guest edited Aperture magazine’s issue focused on São Paulo photography (2014), and co-curated the Offside project with Magnum agency during Brazil’s World Cup. He is an advisor for The Photobook Museum and Errata Editions, and has judged and nominated for different awards such as Foam Paul Huf, Fondazione Fotografia Modena, Prix Pictect, Deutsche Börse, Hasselblad, Israeli Museum, GDP4PhotoArt and Harvard/Robert Gardner.

チアゴ・ノゲイラ|フォトグラファー、キュレーター、ZUM magazine エディター

ブラジル在住のチアゴ・ノゲイラは、Instituto Moreira Salles の Contemporary Photography Department の主任であり、ブラジルの写真誌 ZUM magazine の編集者さらに、オランダの The Photobook Museumとニュー ヨークの出版社 Errata Editions のアドバイザーを務める。2014 年には São Paulo photography を特集した Aperture m a g a z i n e で ゲ ストとし て 編 集 を 担 当 し 、 ま た 、 ブ ラ ジ ル W 杯 中 に は M a g n u m a g e n c y と 共 に t h e O ff s i d e p r o j e c t を 監 修した。ノゲイラは過去にPrix PictectやDeutsche Börseなど数々の賞にノミネートされ、また審査を勤めた経歴もある。 現在は Contemporary Brazilian Photography exhibition や写真家 Claudia Andujar の回顧展を手がけている。
Instagram: thyago1234

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