Chieko Shiraishi’s series, Shimakage, captivated me as a juror and earned the prestigious title of the juror’s choice award winner. Inspired by the whimsical creatures that often lend their names to various islands like Sarushima (Monkey Island), Usagishima (Rabbit Island), and Irukashima (Dolphin Island), Chieko embarked on a captivating journey exploring Japan’s coastal areas and surrounding islands. Her evocative images, predominantly dark and mysterious, offer a poetic interpretation of her encounters and explorations. They transport us to a realm reminiscent of fairytales, where surrealism and enchantment intertwine.
Chieko’s enthusiasm for exploring alternative printmaking processes shines through in her work. She has previously delved into the intricacies of retouching techniques known as Zokin-gake [rag-wiping], once beloved by amateur photographers in Japan during the 1920s and 30s.
I am eagerly anticipating the alchemy that her passion for alternative processes could potentially create in colla-boration with the master printers of Benrido. The collotype process holds the promise of elevating the ethereal quality of her photographs, seamlessly merging the dreamlike essence with the antiquated medium.
The collaboration between Chieko and the skilled artisans at Benrido has the potential to compose a visual symphony that transcends the boundaries of time, beckoning us into a realm where dreams and reality harmoniously entwine.
— Sarah Greene | Juror, Hariban Award 2023
Based in Tokyo, Shiraishi uses the gelatin silver process to create her photographs. She aims for a contemporary expression while utilising the classic Zokin-gake technique, which was developed uniquely in Japan. In 2015, Shiraishi published her photobook Shimakage. Since 2014, she has been observing the world of nature and humans through deer in winter Hokkaido. Her work was published as a photobook in 2020 under the title Shikawatari. Shiraishi has held numerous solo exhibitions both in Japan and abroad. In 2023, she participated in Photo Gaspésie, which took place on the Gaspé Peninsula in Quebec, Canada, and completed her artist residency there.
審査員特別賞 – ジョン・ディボラ
— サラ・グリーン | HARIBAN AWARD 2023 審査員
東京を拠点に活動。2011年より日本独自に発展した古典技法〈雑巾がけ〉を用いながら現代的な表現を目指し銀塩写真作品を制作。2015年『島影』刊行。2014年より冬の北海道で鹿を媒介とした自然と人間の世界を見つめ、2020年『鹿渡り』を刊行。国内外で個展多数。2023年にはカナダケベック州ガスペ半島で開催されたPhoto Gaspesieに参加、レジデンシー制作も行う。
Hariban Award 2023